Sleep is extremely important for us to be at our best on a daily basis. Whilst there are a number of factors which contribute to a good nights sleep, creating the optimal environment is one of the most important.

A lack of sleep can have a variety of impacts on us, both short and longer-term. In the short-term, you will might irritable and exhausted; you won’t be able to focus and find even the easiest tasks tricky to do.  

In the long term, a lack of sleep can cause several, more serious issues such as depression, high blood pressure and a lowered immune system.

To give yourself a great chance of a good nights sleep, why not read our tips below and transform your bedroom today!

Keep your bedding fresh


There is no better feeling than climbing into a bed with fresh bedding. Of course, no-one has time to change their bedding every day, but make it a part of your weekly routine. To keep it fresh throughout the week, why not freshen it up with a fabric freshener.

Block out the light 

Light of any type can impact how well you sleep. This means that you need to do whatever you can to block out the light that comes into your room, be that natural or from an artificial source. Good quality black-out blinds and curtains are a must, and if you do need to have any lights on, such as a landing light for your little ones, ensure your bed is positioned so that it isn't visible under or through an open door.

Ditch your devices

We are rather attached to our phones, tablets and other devices, but they do more harm than we realise, especially when it comes to bedtime. Not only does the screen light prevent us from full relaxing but consuming content keeps the mind stimulated. If you spend too long looking at your phone before you go to sleep (particularly in the last half an hour), then you might find that you struggle to drift off and your sleep quality may even be affected.

Declutter your sleep space

Bedside Table

Your bedroom is where you go to sleep, so this means that you need to make sure that there are minimal distractions which might stop you from doing so. We have a tendency to keep paperwork, work laptops or phones and other distracting items near our sleep space. Remember the saying 'out of sight, out of mind?', well this is a prime example.

Keep items to the essentials and those which will contribute to a good nights sleep. A book, a bedside lamp, a drink and that's pretty much it!

Invest in quality

Duvet & Pillows

The last top tip is to try and invest in quality when it comes to your bed. Good mattresses are expensive but for good reason. Mattresses are designed to last 8-10 years meaning a high quality mattress will likely cost you less than £10 a month over that time. How about dropping or reducing those daily coffees to wake you up and instead enjoy the fresh feeling having had a great nights sleep?

You should also try to invest in good quality bedding, as this will help you to feel more comfortable and warmer as you drift off. 

Hopefully, these top tips will help you get some better sleep. Leaving you feeling refreshed, revitalised and ready for whatever life throws at you.